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‘Round the Fire June 12, 2022

Writer's picture: Athena HerderAthena Herder

Updated: Sep 6, 2022

Welcome to ‘Round the Fire where we look at what happened this week. Instead, we are going to look at what has happened since the last ‘Round the Fire on May 15th. First, I need to explain why I disappeared for the month of May.

Why I disappeared for the month of May

Historically, May has always been a busy month for me. For it’s the end of the school year and we are/were a homeschooling family. It’s time for graduations, summer trips, visits from out of town, and all that fun stuff. This year was even crazier.

Nana moved here at the end of April and stayed with us for most of May. For the first week of May, my aunt and cousin were also here visiting and staying with us. Our boys were finishing up the school year and the oldest was getting ready for his Germany trip. Our oldest left for Germany the day after my aunt and cousin left.

The rest of the month was spent celebrating our youngest graduating from high school, helping him find a car, planning his summer trip with his best friend, starting to open the pool, painting our kitchen area, and assisting Nana to get her house liveable. Duncan and I also attended a Phish concert and tonight we are going to see Black Crows.

What did I learn from all this?

That I need to take the month of May off since every May has always been busy with family things. Next May our oldest graduates CofC so I can’t think it will be less busy.

On to ‘Round the Fire

Ok, enough about all that let’s talk about what’s been happening at Arizkatt’s Herbs.

There are still a few podcasts I need to post and a few more from May to record and post. I’m hoping to get to that this week.

During my “off” time, I also designed and posted the Dandelion with Monograph mug. I plan to get the whole monograph mug series released by the end of the month. That may be harder than I think but we will see. Each design takes a while to get laid out correctly.

Herbers, during this time you saw the recipe for the Yaupon & Hibiscus sun tea.

These video series are geared for those of you who don’t have access to these plants, either because they don’t grow around you or for other reasons but would still like to be able to participate with the plants in this manner.


On May 22nd we saw the post, Happy Customer – Herber mug. Nana received her Herber mugs this week and was over-excited by the quality. I have to say I’m also impressed with our new printer. At the last place, I used the quality wasn’t great, it wasn’t horrible either but this is amazing. Plus the new printer, prints on-demand, ships from the closes warehouse to the end customer, and follows other sustainable practices. Watch for posts about the new printer and the process.

On May 23rd we saw A Little Update. I give you an update on why I have been missing and what I have been doing during that time.

On June 9th we saw the post, Earth Day 2022 where I tell you what I did for Earth Day. I know Earth Day was back in April. I just realized I never posted to the blog about Earth Day, only FB and Insta.

On June 10th we saw Sun Tea – Yaupon & Hibiscus. It has been very sunny the past few days and I finally took advantage of it. I made Yaupon & Hibiscus sun tea.

During this time the filters I had created for Filter Friday ran out and I didn’t create more. I’m unsure if I will be bringing this back on a regular basis. I enjoy making them but they are time-consuming and they don’t seem to get much attention. If you would like to see them return let me know.

Other things that happened this week but haven’t made it to the site yet.

I started back in on my studies. Meaning I have a few class notes that I need to type up and get posted. I also started working with Yaupon on a regular basis.

We got the pool open which was its own kind of hell again this year. We have started the last rooms of the house that need painting. Currently, we are working on the kitchen and dining area, then the living room. Then we are done, besides touch-ups.

Tonight Duncan and I are going to the Black Crows concert which should be fun. We had hoped to see them last year in Georgia but other things came up.

That wraps up this episode of ‘Round the Fire, I hope you join me again next week for another episode. In the meantime, you can find everything we talked about on the website, Take care and see you soon.

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