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A Moment with Plantain (May)

Updated: Sep 21, 2022

It’s May 25th, and we are taking a moment with Plantain. He is looking good. I was worried about him since someone ran him over not long ago. I’m still unsure how that happens since there is plenty of room for a car to pull in and turn around without going into the flower bed but it seems the parents of the boy’s friends and delivery drivers have no clue how to drive their vehicles. Anyways, the Plantain is still doing great and I’m hoping it “blooms” but I don’t think it gets enough light for that. It’s the time of year when it’s starting to get hot and it’s time to open the pool.

“A Moment” is a sixty-second or less video, to track the progress of the plant and its life cycle. These are recorded monthly and scheduled to post daily throughout the following month; at current, we revisit each plant about every month. Click here to view the rest of the series.

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